Lansky Responder X9 - Willumsen
Solid hverdagsfolder for deg som forventer litt mer.
G-10 grep, lommeklips, blad Sandvik 12C27, hull i grepet for snorinnfesting, liner lock som låser bladet,
Bladlengde ca 10,6 cm, skaft/grep 13,7
Vekt 243 gram
Mikkel Willumsen has gained notoriety worldwide for his innovative and gritty Urban Tactical designs. Based in a repurposed factory in Copenhagen, Denmark, Mikkel has been designing and producing custom made knives for over 10 years, specializing in high quality folders and fixed blades. By bringing his talents and experience to Lansky, you can expect the functionally modern aesthetics that define his work, combined with Lansky Sharpeners’ unwavering dedication to quality.
• Stainless Steel liner lock
• 2 position pocket clip (tip up or tip down carry)
Enhanced Features
• 4" Sandvik® 12C27 blade (rustfritt)
• 9" overall length, 8.6 oz.
• G10 Handles